4.1 Daily Video 1:

  • 1975 still had big computers
  • arpanet is the first net we had
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency NETWORK
  • the computers got smaller and smaller
  • packet: small amount of data sent over a network, consists of source and destination information
  • electrons use number systems
  • computer network: group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data
  • computer network is a type computing system
  • computer system: group of computing devices and programs working together for a joint response
  • packet switching: file/message is that is broken up into packets and sent in any order, packets are portrayed as the recipitent’s device
  • routing: helps find the path from sender to receiver
  • path: between 2 computing devices, sender and receiver, a sequence of connected computing device that starts at the sender and ends at the receiver
  • bandwidth is measured using bits per second
  • bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time on a computer network
  • use packets to transmit data

Vocabulary Practice:

  • 1 = a
  • 2 = e
  • 3 = b
  • 4 = c
  • 5 = d
  • 6 = f

4.1 Daily Video 2:

  • protocol: agreed upon set of rules that specifies the system behavior
  • OSI (open systems interconnect): layers to go through to communicate


  • TCP (transmission control protocol): creates a common standard to send messages between different devices on the internet


  • IETF (interest engineering task force): manages development of standards and technical discussions about the open internet
  • network access layer: setting up hardware that carries 0’s and 1’s between 2 devices, common example ethernet cable, used for local hops
  • network access/internet layer data transmission: consists of data being transmitted and metadata that had information used for routing information
  • routers are unique computers with a MAC address
  • internet is scaleable and can meet the demands out there
  • Autonomous systems (AS): large intranets liked together under control and rules of major companies, large routers connect with large telecommunications connections
  • Local area network (LAN): physical connections (ethernet cable), limited by hardware and physics, 1 to 100s of systems
  • Intranet: LANs connected by Routers within an organization
  • Internet: autonomous systems (AS) linked together
  • Transport Layer:
  • TCP is stricter because it ensures that the package was delivered, error checking and error recovery - slower
  • UDP: laidback and slower, performs error checking, discards errors packets
  • Internet Layer
  • port: number given to application/service


Application Layer

  • http: how to ask/receive data from web servers - uses TCP, Port 80 at transport layer
  • https: has security, users TCP Port 443


  • 1 = T
  • 2 = F
  • 3 = F
  • 4 = T
  • 5 = F
  • 6 = F
  • 7 = T

Quiz Results:

The Internet Quiz

Identifying and Correctng Errors Quiz

Test Correction:

Quiz 1:

  1. Protocols allow multiple telecommunication companies to communicate in an easy way and the protocols make it more convenient.
  2. I misread the answer choices and did not notice how the answer I chose said “protocol” instead of “site.”

Quiz 2:

  1. I did not pay close attention to the image in the question, which is why I got the question wrong and if I looked at lines 3 and 7 I believe I would’ve got the question right. Interchanging lines 3 and 7 ensures that if reducing score by penalty results in a negative value, score is set to 0.

Computer Systems and Networks Diagram:
