Qualcomm Webinar Notes (10/17/2022):

  • Only girl to enter the field in engineering, no one in her family pursued science especially girls
  • Faced gender roles in terms of being told be her family and friends that she should stick to be a girl that does household chores and was told that she should leave the breadwinner role to her husband
  • After hearing everyone say this she wntd to prove them wrong and prove to herself that she was capable and began to discover her capabilities this way
  • excited to come to San Diego because the Qualcomm headquarters were there
  • although she was scared to make a huge move from India to San Diego, she was still so ecstatic because it was a new opportunity
  • joined Qualcomm’s 4G project
  • paused double e because she knew she could build up n the skills and electrical engineering double e would not close her doors
  • having a growth mindset is key to becoming a successful software engineering
  • hardware: design electronics, design and develop chips using languages like VLHS
  • software: use and run it,
  • learn coding in all engineerings except civil engineering
  • hardware takes instruction from software
  • software and hardware have to work closely together for final product
  • companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, and Qualcomm are all companies that are looking for recruits
  • Qualcomm = chips
  • Apple = iPhone, computers
  • Google = Virtual Reality, headset, Fitbit
  • Amazon = Fire stick
  • going above and beyond and challenging yourself is what colleges and universities are looking for
  • take classes during high school where you are concurrently enroll in community college classes to show rigor
  • learned the way to balance life and her work
  • major challenge they faced was balancing life being a mother and working
  • check your schools clubs to check out and its a good start to join your schools robotics team
  • join a FIRST robotics team
  • PlayStation used to hire students and they would get - paid to play video games before they released
  • check potential job listings to be more involved in engineering
  • As a student to be more involved a way to go is to be join the robotics team at school and interacting and making connections with teachers and students that may help you get options