3.1 and 3.2 Lesson Grades

Name Grade Score Reasoning Grader
Edwin 1 completed everything accurately and did extra binary hacks Amitha
Trenton 0.9 completed everything accurately and satisifes requirements Amitha
Khalid 0.8 didn’t do 3.2 video 2 binary hacks Amitha
Elijah 0.8 didn’t do 3.2 video 2 binary hacks Amitha
Shaurya 1 completed everything accurately and did extra binary hacks, explained wrong answers Amitha
Kaylee 1 satisfied requirements, did binary hacks Amitha
Theodore 0.9 satisfied requirements Amitha
James 1 completed everything accurately and blogged about lesson, did extra binary hacks Amitha
Ahmad 0 no submission Amitha
Samarth 1 completed all hacks and notes well and in good detail Lina
Arnav 1 did extra binary hacks, reflected about each individual lesson, and completed everything Amitha
Benjamin 0.9 lots of notes, satisfied requirements Amitha
Krishiv 1 completed everything accurately and blogged about lesson, did extra binary hacks Amitha
Ryan 0.8 missing hacks, blogged about lessons learned Amitha
Raunak 1 completed everything accurately and did extra binary hacks Amitha
Nicolas 0.9 satisfied requirements Naja
Caleb 0.7 didn’t do binary hacks, notes and hacks are unorganized Amitha
Justin 0.9 satisfied requirements, has notes as well Amitha
Varaprasad 0.8 didn’t do 3.2 Video 2 HW/Hacks Amitha
Ellie 0.9 satisfied requirements Amitha
Sachit 1 satisfied requirements, did extra binary hacks Amitha
Luke 0.9 took a lot of notes and reflected, satisfied requirements Amitha
Sanika 0.9 did extra binary hacks and well organized Amitha
Emma 1 completed, explained wrong answers Amitha
Advay 0.8 didn’t do 3.1 Video 2 Hacks, skipped Amitha
Ishi 1 completed everything accurately and satisifes requirements Amitha
Vardaan 0.8 didn’t do 3.2 Video 2 Binary hacks Amitha
Rohin 0.7 didn’t do 3.2 Video 2 Binary hacks, didn’t do 3.1 Video 2 Hacks, skipped Amitha
Colin 1 completed all sections accurately, did extra binary hacks Amitha
Leonard 1 took thourough notes, completed and explained every practice/homework ?s, did extra binary Joselyn
Navan 0.8 didn’t do binary hacks Amitha
Hae Ryn 1 completed everything accurately and did extra binary hacks Amitha