Sections 5 and 7

For this section, I received a 1/1. I did all the hacks in this section and also added a reflection at the end. I completed thorough notes and good effort into the hacks.

Sections 8 and 10

For this section, I received a 0.9/1. I did all the hacks and met all the requirements for sections 8 and 10 of the hacks.

Sections 9 and 11

For this section, I earned a 0.9/1. I completed all the hacks thoroughly and put effort into hand drawing the binary trees and binary search trees.

Sections 12 and 13

For this section, I earned a 0.9/1. I completed each part of the hacks this group posted. I completed all the required hacks thoroughly and correctly.

Sections 14 and 15

For this section, I earned a 0.89/1. I completed all the required hacks on this section. However, this group was grading based on accuracy on the multiple choice section and I got one question wrong. Therefore, I received 0.01 lower than a 0.9.