
  • Procedure: a named group of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values.
    • can be reffered to as method or function
    • procedure call interrupts an execution of statements and makes the program execute the statements in the procedure.
  • Parameters: input values of a procedure.
  • Arguments specify the values of the parameters when a procedure is called
  • There are two types of procedures, one that returns a value or some type of data and on that just executes a block of statements
  • When you are picking a name for the procedure it must be descriptive
  • See if you need any parameters for this procedure (what data do you need to accomplish my goal? What king of information am I going to need?)
  • 2 of the parameters in the example below could be the quizGrade and currentPoints (need this data)
  • How to code Procedures-While Coding a procedure you must makes sure it has as name and a clear purpose weather to executre a response or complete an action
  • One common type of abstraction is procedrual abstraction, which provides a name for a process and allows a procedure to be only knowing what it doe,not how it does it.
  • Modularity: the practice of breaking a complex program into smaller, independent parts or modules that can be used and reused in different parts of the program


3.12 part 1

Problem 2: This problem involves parameters

Qais is writing code to calculate formulas from his math class. He's currently working on a procedure to calculate average speed, based on this formula:

Average speed=

Total Time/Total Distance ​

  • Highlight which of these is the best procedure for calculating and displaying average speed.
    • PROCEDURE calcAvgSpeed (distance, time) { DISPLAY (distance/time) }</li>
    • PROCEDURE calcAvgSpeed (distance) { DISPLAY (distance/time) }
    • PROCEDURE calcAvgSpeed (distance, time) { DISPLAY (time/distance) }
    • </ul> </li> </ul>

      Problem 3: Procedures with return values

      James Hunter is looking through his classmate's program and sees a procedure called heightenEmotions: PROCEDURE heightenEmotions(myEmotion)

      { moreEnergy ← CONCAT(myEmotion, "!!!")

      moreVolume ← UPPER(moreEnergy)

      RETURN moreVolume }

      That procedure manipulates strings using two built-in procedures, CONCAT for concatenating two strings together, and UPPER for converting a string to uppercase.

      James Hunter then sees this line of code:

      heightenEmotions("im mad")

      After that line of code runs, will nothing be displayed?



      Problem 4: Procedures with return values Bubz is writing a program to calculate the carbon footprint of his activities. The procedure calcFlightFootprint calculates the pounds of carbon dioxide produced per passenger in a flight that covers a given number of miles and seats a given number of passengers.

      PROCEDURE calcFlightFootprint(numMiles, numPassengers) { CO2_PER_MILE ← 53.29

      carbonPerFlight ← numMiles * CO2_PER_MILE

      carbonPerPassenger ← carbonPerFlight / numPassengers

      RETURN carbonPerPassenger


      Bubz wants to use that procedure to calculate the total footprint for his two upcoming flights: LA to NY: 2,451 miles and 118 passengers NY to London: 3,442 miles and 252 passengers

      Which of these code snippets successfully calculates and stores her total footprint? Highlight 2 answers.

      1. totalFootprint ← calcFlightFootprint(2451, 118) + calcFlightFootprint(3442, 252)</p> </li>

      2. totalFootprint ← calcFlightFootprint(2451, 118 + 3442, 252)

      3. totalFootprint ← calcFlightFootprint((2451, 118) + (3442, 252))</p> </li>

      4. laNyCarbon ← calcFlightFootprint(2451, 118) nyLondonCarbon ← calcFlightFootprint(3442, 252) totalFootprint ← laNyCarbon + nyLondonCarbon

      5. </ol>
        </div> </div> </div>

        3.12 Homework/Hacks part 2

        a -- ? b -- ? c -- 9 PROCEDURE find a () { b <-- 9 9
        a <-- b
        Print (a) } What is a?
        A = 729 cost ⟵ 173 tax - 10% PROCEDURE applytax (cost, cpercentDiscounted){ temp <-- 100 + percentTaxed temp <-- temp / 100 cost <-- cost x temp Print(cost)}</p>

        What is the cost?

        Cost is $190.30</p>

        Tempature - 103 Degrees PROCEDURE convet Fahrenheit (tempature) { Celsius <-- tempature - 32 Celsius <-- Celsius x 5/9

        Print (Celsius)}

        </div> </div> </div>

        3.13 Homework/Hacks for Part 1 and Part 2 of the lesson

        #1. Create a procedure that is meant to replace the top running backs yards per game in one season if the current running back has more yards per game

        • Necessary Parameters: toprbyardspg(100), currentrbyards(1260), totalGames(12)
        Click for hint Refer back to 3.13 Developing Procedures Part 1


        #2. Write a procedure that will allow the A+ to get to the 1, while avoiding the black boxes.

        Use what you learned about moving robots

        Click for hint Refer back to 3.13 Developing Procedures Part 1


        Which Is the Correct Way to define the Name of a Procedure?

        • B. PROCEDURE MyList</li>
        • C. procedure mylist
          Click For Hint Remember the word procedure should be in all capitals and a part of the declared procedure should be in caps
        • </ul>

          Write A Procedure That gets the BeachBall To the Green Square

          </div> </div> </div>


          You Have Finished All the hacks Just Add a submisson to the comment in our fastpages under homework!


          • 3.12 Hacks part 1 (on the lesson of 13.2 Part 1 ) √
          • 3.12 Hacks part 2 √
          • 3.1.3 Hacks Part 1 √
          • 3.13 Hacks part 2 √