Self Reflection

In my opinion, I think I could have worked more efficiently on my feature because initially when I needed help coding something I would research and read websites. So, during class time I would be reading websites on how to fix an error or code a part of my feature, which was inefficient for me spefically because I would not find what I was looking for. Two class periods later, I remembered to use YouTube and watch tutorials, which saved me time and I found that I learn easier with watching videos than reading and absorbing information in APCSP. I just think I could have been more productive with my time some class periods, but as the frontend developer I believe I worked hard.

Group Reflection

My group presented our website to parents and students walking by. We showed them a run through of our website, afterwards we explained our purpose and goal of our website. Some people asked questions on how he did a certain feature on our website and whoever’s feature they asked about, that person responded. My group met outside of class time multiple times over the weekends and after school. However, we all sort of kept on falling behind on the project. For my feature, I was not able to develop much because my feature was connected to another group member’s feature, so I did as much as I could of developing my feature but could not meet all the criteria of my feature due to it relying on another feature’s completion.

Other CTE Classes

When I went to Night at the Museum I also looked around at the other CTE classes. I looked the Photography class, 3D Animation, AP Art, Ceramics, Drawing and Painting, Choir, and Mixed Media. I am also part of another CTE class, AP Studio Art, so I also looked at the artwork there. I really enjoyed looking at the other classes work and everything they have been working on for the trimester. Seeing all the pottery the ceramics class was fun considering how detailed the pieces are.

These are a few pictures of everything I saw while looking around:

ceramics1 ceramics2 choir photographyclass 3danimation apstudioart

Other APCSP Projects


I looked at a few groups’ APCSP websites for this project. One of the feature’s I saw on this group’s website was a trivia quiz/game. They had trivia questions such as name four countries that start with the letter U. I thought this was interactive and engaging to have a game on the website.


One of the feature’s this group included on their website was the popular game Wordle. Their website was cat cafe themed, they had a cat Wordle as well as a memory game on their website. Their frontend looked really good and everything was functioning very well on their website.

apcspproject3 apcspproject4

This group has a fast dating website, so they had users take a quiz and it was interactive and engaging. I really liked their frontend and how appealing their website looked and their website was also functioning pretty well.


Ultimately, Night at the Museum was a great experience and it was fun presenting my group’s projects and seeing what my classmates are working on too. Something that can be improved upon at Night at the Museum is the organization and format of presentations in the classrooms. Everyone in the class is clumped together and it is difficult to tell apart groups and their projects. I think having a structure to where each group stands in the classroom would significantly improve the Computer Science Principles class at Night at the Museum. Having a structure when people walk through will help APCSP students as well as parents and other students coming in to look at presentations. Since they know where to go and navigate the classroom to see presentations and it is not just a clump of people you have to go through and ask them to give you their presentation.

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