My Score

I received 41/50; 82%

Test Corrections

  1. Question 10: Which of the following activities poses the greatest personal cybersecurity risk?

My answer: Making a purchase at an online store that uses public key encryption to transmit credit card information

Correct answer: Reserving a hotel room by e-mailing a credit card number to a hotel

Notes: Public key encryption is used in this question and it is when a key is used to encrypt and decrypt information. Therefore, an email goes through the Internet and routers, which read the content of the email, and thus, credit card numbers are read from the email.

  1. Question 21:


My answer: The conclusion is correct; the program works as intended.

Correct answer: The conclusion is incorrect; using the test case [0, 1, 4, 5] is not sufficient to conclude the program is correct.

Notes: There is an iteration blocj for the FOR EACH loop, which made it confusing for me and brought me to a different conclusion.

  1. Question 22:


My answer: Neither grid I nor grid II

Correct answer: Grid I only

Notes: With the goal of getting the robot to reach the gray square, grid 1 is correctly programmed because the robot moves forward, turns right, turns right, turns left, turns left, moves forward, moves forward, turns left, turns left, and moves forward. All these steps get the robot to the gray square.

  1. Question 29: 29

My answer: true false true

Correct answer: false false false

Notes: Due to the “NOT a OR b AND c” portion in the code, it results in “false false false.”

  1. Question 30: In the following expression, the variable truckWeight has the value 70000 and the variable weightLimit has the value 80000. truckWeight < weightLimit What value does the expression evaluate to? My answer: false

Correct answer: true

Notes: I misread this question and should have checked my answer to this question again because the expression is false due to 7000 < 8000.

  1. Question 38:

My answer: IF(num < 0) { DISPLAY(“negative”) } ELSE { DISPLAY(“positive”) } IF(num = 0) { DISPLAY(“zero”) } Correct answer: IF(num < 0) { DISPLAY(“negative”) } ELSE { IF(num = 0) { DISPLAY(“zero”) } ELSE { DISPLAY(“positive”) } } Notes: The answer I chose is wrong because of the greater than and less than signs used in the answer of code I chose. It is inequivalent because the display code is incorrect.

  1. Question 40:


My answer: Replace ROTATE_RIGHT with ROTATE_LEFT.

Correct answer: No change is needed; the algorithm is correct as is.

Notes: I misread the code in this image, so there are no changes to be made to the code because the robot can reach the gray square with the programmed code.

  1. Question 45: Which of the following are benefits of procedural abstraction? Select two answers.

My answer:

  • Procedural abstraction eliminates the need for programmers to document their code.
  • Procedural abstraction provides an opportunity to give a name to a block of code that describes the purpose of the code block.

Correct answer:

  • Procedural abstraction makes it easier for people to read computer programs.
  • Procedural abstraction provides an opportunity to give a name to a block of code that describes the purpose of the code block.

Notes: Procedural abstraction is the seperation of the logical properties of an action from the detials of how the action is implemented.

  1. Question 49: A city planner is using simulation software to study crowd flow out of a large arena after an event has ended. The arena is located in an urban city. Which of the following best describes a limitation of using a simulation for this purpose?

My answer: The model used by the simulation software cannot be modified once the simulation has been used.

Correct answer: The model used by the simulation software often omits details so that it is easier to implement.

Notes: Using a simulation for this purpose would be useful because the details make it simple to implement.