
  • My role: Frontend
  • My feature: Your Likes Page
    • Goal: To keep track of what landmarks and activities users like and keeps and organizes user’s progress in one place

How my feature fits the Collegeboard Criteria?

Category Criteria How it fits the criteria?
Program Purpose and Function ✅ describes the overall purpose of the program demonstrated in the video ✅ describes what functionality of the program is demonstrated in the video ✅ describes the input and output of the program The Your Likes page will keep track of progress made on the website and keep it in one place and organized.
Data Abstraction ✅ one program code that shows how data has been stored in this list (or another collection type). ✅ one program code that shows the data in this same list being used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose. ✅ identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used in this response. ✅ describes what the data contained in this list is representing in the program The Your Likes page will include activities and landmarks they want to do and visit will be stored in a separate list.
Managing Complexity ✅ includes a program code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program  ✅ explains how the named, selected list manages complexity in the program code by explaining why the program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, without using this list. Without storing this information in a list, the user could not properly use our website to plan their trip with specialized activities.
Procedural Abstraction ✅ one program code showing a student-developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the functionality of the procedure ✅ one program code showing where the student-developed procedure is being called. ✅ describes what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program The Your Likes page will use the procedure of users hearting an item and contribute to the functionality of the program, which is to find activites to do and places to go to.
Algorithm Implementation ✅ includes a program code segment of a student-developed algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration ✅ explains in detailed steps how the identified algorithm works in enough detail that someone else could recreate it The Your Likes page will use iterations because the user will have to repeat the action of hearting a item in order for it to add to the Your Likes page and to be stored in the table database.
Testing ✅ describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.✅ describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure. ✅ identifies the result of each call The Your Likes page will be built first, and then be tested in order to pass different arguments.

How I plan to finish my CPT project?

  • I plan to finish my CPT project by diligently working on it each week
    • I will communicate with my CPT Tri 2 group because I need some of their parts to work in order for my feature to work.
    • I will set goals each week in order to make progress each week.
    • I will set small and final deadlines for myself.
    • I will keep myself accountable by working with my group members. I will ensure my teammates are making progress on their project each week and they will keep me accountable in return.
    • I will work with a positive and resilient attitude too because I know at times I will be frustrated and annoyed with completing the CPT.