
  • Ashley works in quantam computing group
  • none of her failures stopped her
  • failures helped her persist
  • computer science is versatile
  • computer science comes up in all stem fields
  • national leader in social mobility
  • several pathways available at csusm
  • several departments
  • networking is a way to find internships
  • campus events are a way to find internships
  • joining clubs is helpful
  • checking your email is important because they spam you with several opportunities
  • avoid unpaid internships for your work and dedication
  • still apply to internships you feel under qualified
  • ask faculty members to read your essays and applications
  • summer solis program - doing an internship with physics
  • quantam bridge program - 4 week program and learning about quantam, paid 15,000
  • cancer cell research
  • materials research
  • meteorie research
  • microplastics in waterbottles research
  • virtual reality labs and artificial intelligence research
  • grant: money from the government
  • schloarship: money from an institution or corporation
  • schloarships you have to search for them and can be for anything
  • grants, it depends on your demographic and economic status
  • 2 types of loan: unsubsidized and subsized loan
  • unsubsized loan: funded by the government, give you a 6 month grace period
  • subsized loan: do not accrue interest while you are in school at least half-time or during deferment periods
  • you can get funded for college for your work
  • several companies hire students from CSUSM
  • companies such as General Atomics, Qualcomm, and Teradata
  • going for a phd, you should not pay
  • you should be getting paid for your research or salary for your work
  • transferring from one university to another requires prerequisites


Overall, I had a really fun time learning about the CSUSM campus and experience. The presenters, Ashley and John were extremely resourceful and passionate about what they were presenting. I learned several things about how CSUSM works as a university and a few tips they learned while being in college. Since I will be going into college next year, I will take their tips with me and apply them to myself and experience at college.