My Score

I received 42/50; 84%

Test Corrections

Question 8

Researchers have developed a simulation of packets traveling between server computers and client computers in a network. Of the following, which two outcomes are most likely to be results of the simulation?

My answer: Better understanding of the effect of temporarily unavailable network connections AND Better understanding of the effect of using hexadecimal representations for binary data.

Correct answer: Better understanding of the effect of temporarily unavailable network connections AND Better understanding of the impact of increased connection speeds for frequently visited servers.

Notes: I misread this question, I meant to select option D as well. However, accidentally missed clicking option B. I need to start going back and checking my answers at the end.

Question 23

Computers are often used to search through large sets of data to find useful patterns in the data. Which of the following tasks is NOT an example where searching for patterns is needed to produce useful information?

My answer: An online retailer analyzing customers’ viewing habits to suggest other products based on the purchasing history of other customers

Correct answer: A high school analyzing student grades to identify the students with the top ten highest grade point averages

Notes: It’s not neccesary to find a pattern to make use of student grades, therefore, one can find the average and higest to understand all the students.

Question 26

Which of the following is a true statement about data compression?

My answer: Regardless of the compression technique used, once a data file is compressed, it cannot be restored to its original state.

Correct answer: There are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing and transmitting data.

Notes: Data compression is used for files stored on local storage media.Different compression techniques have different advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of technique depends on different factors.

Question 29

An online store uses 6-bit binary sequences to identify each unique item for sale. The store plans to increase the number of items it sells and is considering using 7-bit binary sequences. Which of the following best describes the result of using 7-bit sequences instead of 6-bit sequences?

My answer: 2 more items can be uniquely identified.

Correct answer: 2 times as many items can be uniquely identified.

Notes: The 6-bit binary sequences allows for 26 or 64 different items to be identified while the 7-bit binary sequences allows for 27 or 128 different items to be identified.

Question 32

Some programming languages use constants, which are variables that are initialized at the beginning of a program and never changed. Which of the following are good uses for a constant?

I. To represent the mathematical value π(pi) as 3.14 II. To represent the current score in a game III. To represent a known value such as the number of days in a week

My answer: I and II only

Correct answer: I and III only

Notes: I thought the game score would remain constant because I interperted it as each variable having its own constant value in the beginning.

Question 33

Which of the following can be represented by a single binary digit? Select two answers.

My answer: The remainder when dividing a whole number by 2

Correct answer: The remainder when dividing a whole number by 2 AND The value of a Boolean variable.

Notes: When dividing a number by two, it is going to be 0 or 1/2. Thus, these two values can be represented in a single binary digit. So, 0;0, and 1/2;1.

Question 39

39 Which of the following CANNOT be displayed as a result of executing the code segment?

My answer: 1 2 3 4

Correct answer: 1 3 2 4

Notes: This answer is correct because i = 2 and RANDOM(1, i) produces 1 or 2 as the output.

Question 49

A teacher stores the most recent quiz scores for her class in the list scores. The first element in the list holds the maximum possible number of points that can be awarded on the quiz, and each remaining element holds one student’s quiz score. Assume that scores contains at least two elements. Which of the following code segments will set the variable found to true if at least one student scored the maximum possible number of points on the quiz and will set found to false otherwise?

My answer AND Correct answer:


Notes: This code traverses the list and compares all elements in the list to the first element. It compares the first element to itself which will equal true.


I did better on this mulitple choice quiz than the last quiz I took. I think I made multiple simple errors. I don’t really go back and check my answers for the questions, so I definetly need to go back and read through all the questions and answers. Topics I should continue reviewing are Unit 5: Investigate computing innovations (DNS, packets, internet).