
I think this trimester’s Night at the Museum was very fun and my most favorite Night @ the Museum. I had fun presenting and sharing my group and I’s project to all the students, classmates, and parents. It was fun seeing people interact with the code that my group and I wrote. I liked how this trimesterb we all presented what we worked on for the past few weeks. In addition, I like my group’s theme for our project. Our project theme was music, so everyone did a different category relating to this topic. I did a Search & Sort Tracks fastpages, which was very fun to code and work on. I really enjoyed coding the Javascript animations. I struggled coding them initially, but it was rewarding to see the final product and seeing the animations on my fastpages.

Other CTE Classes

When I went to Night at the Museum I also looked around at the other CTE classes. I looked the Photography class, 3D Animation, AP Art, Ceramics, Drawing and Painting, and Choir. I am also part of AP Studio Art, so my pieces were displayed in that CTE class too. This trimester, I noticed the business classes had a place they presented their stuff too. I visited the business classroom and they were promoting the business club, DECA. I had a fun and enjoyable time with my groupmates and friends being at Night at the Museum. I think my favorite CTE class’ work to see was ceramics. All the ceramics pieces were creative and unique and I liked seeing all the different pottery piecesb students created.

Pictures of everything I saw while looking around:

ceramics1 band photographyclass photographyclass2 3danimation animation1 animation2 apstudioart csp1 csp2